First & foremost, you need to call Bella Vista Painting & Drywall to get an estimate for your exterior painting. Always contact us well before you need the work done. Last summer we unfortunately had to schedule some clients for Spring 2022 as they contacted us too late in the season to be able to get their exterior project done during the 2021 season. Good painters book fast. Sometimes you may get lucky and they may have had another job reschedule so they can get you in unexpectedly, do not, however, rely on that as a way to get on our books as it’s not guaranteed. We would love to get everyone’s project done right away but we are just humans after all (WHAT, we’re not super heroes?? I know, I know) and can’t take on everything right away.
Once you have had us get an estimate for you, you plan accordingly. Get on our books ASAP, do not delay (I promise, people love us) in scheduling your exterior painting. Make sure to clear away any brush, plants and or trees away from the areas to be painted. The further away, the better. We absolutely love the greenery just as much as you do, however, those bushes give zero f*cks about your home needing a paint job and will stand in the way. We always do our best to not damage any plants, but heat & plastic sometimes don’t mix, so do your best to cut them back. If you need a landscaper to help, never fear, Bella Vista is here. We have referral partners that we love and even use for our own home! So let us know if you need professional help with your plants, and we will get you in contact with some amazing bushwhackers.
Now that you are on our books & your bushes are manicured, PICK YOUR COLORS! Do not, absolutely do NOT wait until the last minute. Painting the exterior of your home is a huge investment and colors are no joke. We do this for a living and sometimes struggle with colors for our personal home as well. If you need help with picking colors, again, do not fear, Bella Vista is here, we have you covered. We have a connection with a local designer who makes picking colors a breeze. We’ve ran into the issue of a client picking colors, us applying them, and they did not like the color and ended up paying us to apply a new color. It is stressful, we know. So if you are thinking of painting your house, start putting samples up NOW. If you need some ideas for color schemes, you can always browse our website, reach out to us (we have more photos than those on our website), check out our Facebook & Instagram or of course, Pinterest. You can play with colors on the Benjamin Moore website as well as other paint supplier’s websites. Samples are always the best bet as it shows the true color in natural lighting- P.S. Charlie’s Paint & Decorating (Benjamin Moore in Vancouver) has free paint Friday, so BOGO on samples. They will even save the color sample information under our name if you let them know you hired us to do your painting!
Last but not least, remove any furniture you may have around the home. This can happen right before we come out to wash the home. If you’re home sits very close to the neighboring houses, please notify them of the paint project that will be happening as we may need to access their yard for ladder access and they may need to move their cars (or we can mask them) if they are super close as overspray likes to fly in the wind like Bullseye.
Are You Ready Yet?
So now that you are on our schedule, picked your colors & moved any furniture away from the home, let’s get started! We look forward to exterior season every year and bringing new color and life to every home in the neighborhood. Of course- sharing is caring, so please, let your neighbors, friends & family know that Bella Vista painted your home and you love us so much!