4 Steps To Picking an HOA-Approved Paint Color

Choosing the right paint color for your home is a fun yet challenging task. When you live in a community governed by a homeowners association (HOA), the process becomes even more complicated due to their guidelines and regulations. Picking an HOA-approved paint color takes some patience, but it’s worth it to know you’ll be in compliance with the rules.

The Bella Vista Painting team understands the importance of getting the job done right, on time, and within budget. Our expert crews are with you every step of the process, from getting your estimate to final cleanup. Whether you’re working within an HOA’s regulations or are free as a bird for your exterior paint project, we are here to help. Contact us for a free estimate.

Understanding an HOA

Homeowners associations are groups that develop and enforce regulations for the people who own houses in their jurisdiction. An HOA is typically a legal entity with bylaws and rules that govern the property owners in the group. These community associations can range from being barely in existence to being very active and vocal. 

Picking an HOA-approved paint color requires an understanding of the bylaws.

When someone purchases a home within an HOA, they agree to pay a set amount to the HOA each month and to abide by the rules and regulations, also known as covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs). The monthly dues generally go toward paying for maintenance on the neighborhood’s common areas such as parks and swimming pools.

Some typical items that homeowners associations regulate include:

  • Lawn maintenance, including weeds and dropped leaves
  • Exterior paint color and decor
  • Fencing
  • Visibility and location of trash and recycling receptacles
  • RV or boat parking
  • Street parking
  • Holiday decorations

An HOA can help homes maintain their property values, further enhancing the desirability and livability of the neighborhood. However, they also can carry significant authority and legal privilege to enforce their rules, so it’s important to keep the regulations in mind when picking an exterior paint color.

Picking an HOA-Approved Paint Color Without Stress

If your HOA home is ready for a new paint color, here are four steps to take when picking out the paint.

1. Be sure you understand the HOA exterior paint guidelines.

Closeup image of a a hand holding a paint brush to paint their home's exterior.

Before selecting a color, take the time to clarify your HOA’s specific expectations and regulations. Homeowners associations typically have rules about exterior colors, finishes, and even the paint brands you can use. 

Some associations might have a pre-approved color palette, while others may offer flexibility within some parameters. Thoroughly read the HOA’s architectural guidelines to gain a clear understanding of the do’s and don’ts.

2. Communicate with the HOA board well before starting your project.

Effective communication with the HOA is crucial when making changes to your home’s exterior. Nobody wants to deal with errors or misunderstandings after a project is underway. Reach out to your HOA board to discuss your plans and get clarity on anything you’re unsure of in the rules. 

HOAs often have a formal approval process that requires you to submit a request or application. Provide them with details such as the paint color code, brand, and finish, along with any supporting documentation or paint samples they may require. 

Clear communication can prevent potential conflicts and ensure a smoother process. An HOA is highly unlikely to make any exceptions to their stated CC&Rs, so be prepared to make your paint choice based on their rules. 

Image of model houses on a table with homeowners association rules

It’s also important to clarify any rules about scheduling. There may be only certain times of year or even times of day when crews can work on your home. Make sure you know all restrictions that apply to your project so you can communicate them with your painting contractor.

3. Explore approved color options.

If your HOA has a pre-approved color palette, take advantage of it. These colors are likely to complement the overall aesthetic of the neighborhood and adhere to community standards. Take a walk around your neighborhood to see which colors you prefer as you get ready to choose one for your home.

When you have some flexibility within a color range, consider factors like the architectural style of your home, existing landscaping, and neighboring houses. Aim for a color that not only meets HOA requirements but also resonates with your personal taste and enhances your property’s curb appeal.

Remember to think about the complete paint palette for your home, including trim, gutters, shutters, and other details. For example, some homeowners associations require the gutters and trim to match. Or they may allow for a bolder color on the front door, to add some personality. 

Image of a woman painting the outside of her house

4. Test several samples in different lighting.

Before committing to a final color, test samples on a few sections of your home’s exterior. Consider how the paint looks on different sides of the home and at different times of the day before you select your color. 

Be sure that you don’t do this until you are ready to purchase your paint and get the project underway. The HOA likely will frown upon random paint samples lingering on your home for very long.

HOA or Not, Bella Vista Is Ready To Work

Picking an HOA-approved paint color requires diligence and attentiveness to the rules. By understanding your HOA guidelines, planning carefully, and communicating effectively, you can navigate the process with confidence. 

The Bella Vista crew can help you strike the right balance between following community standards and expressing your individual style. We’ll make sure you boost your home’s appearance while contributing to the overall aesthetic harmony of your neighborhood. Reach out today to get your free estimate and to claim a time on our exterior paint season calendar.

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