Are Eco-Friendly Paints Really Worth It?

In recent years, there’s been a growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental consciousness in every aspect of our lives, including home improvement projects like painting. With green alternative paints gaining popularity here in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere, many homeowners wonder if eco-friendly paints are really worth it. 

At Bella Vista Painting & Drywall, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We will work with you to find the best possible paint and color for your needs to ensure you have a result you love. Our crews work all over the Portland, OR, and Vancouver, WA, areas to make local homes and businesses shine. Contact us today for a free estimate on your project.

Understanding Eco-Friendly Paints

First things first: what exactly are eco-friendly paints? Conventional paints often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other dangerous chemicals. On the other hand, eco-friendly paints are typically made from natural, renewable resources and have low or zero VOC levels. These paints are usually water-based and contain fewer toxins, making them safer for both the environment and human health.

Eco-friendly paints help keep you, your family, and the earth strong and healthy.

Additionally, sustainable manufacturing and recycling practices are often part of the environmentally friendly paint world. For example, facilities may use solar power or utilize recycled materials in their packaging.

A Bit About VOCs

The biggest selling point of eco-friendly paints is that they have a low amount of volatile organic compounds. Many actually claim to have no VOCs. But what are VOCs? Let’s take a look.

Volatile organic compounds are gasses that certain processes and products emit into the air. Some VOCs are dangerous on their own, while others interact with other gasses to create harmful pollutants. 

Although paint is probably the most well-known product to contain VOCs, it is not alone. All of the following items can emit harmful VOCs:

  • New flooring
  • Cleaning products
  • Paint thinners
  • Pesticides
  • New furniture
  • Adhesives
  • Fuel

Prolonged or repeated exposure to volatile organic compounds can lead to headaches, sore throat, nausea, eye irritation, loss of coordination, and even kidney problems. In most cases, people don’t have continued exposure to VOCs unless they work in jobs that involve these chemicals.

Traditional paints have high VOC contents that can be dangerous.

It’s a different story, however, when painting the inside of your house. The concentration of chemicals can be up to 10 times higher indoors, leaving you or your painting crew much more exposed.

These risks help explain the rise in popularity of eco-friendly and low-VOC paint options. Luckily, these products are vastly improved over earlier versions, offering you an excellent product and peace of mind. 

The Benefits of Going Green in Your Paint Choices

If you’re thinking about eco-friendly paints for your project, it’s important to note that low-VOC or no-VOC options are generally more expensive than traditional paint. But with the higher price tag come some important benefits to consider:

Improved Indoor Air Quality

One of the most significant advantages of eco-friendly paints is their low VOC content, which means they release fewer dangerous gasses into the air. This can lead to healthier indoor air quality, lowering the risk of breathing problems and allergic reactions for everyone who lives there.

Any time you’re painting your home’s interior, choosing eco-friendly paints helps you create a healthier living environment. With fewer toxins lingering in the air, you can breathe easier and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home is a safer place to be.

Image of couple painting room with green paint.

And it isn’t only during the painting process that you receive this benefit. Paint can continue to release VOCs for six months or longer after the paint dries. Reducing or eliminating them in the first place will help keep your home healthier for the long term.

Less Odor

Paint has a very strong, distinctive smell, thanks partly to the volatile organic compounds it releases. For many people, that odor can trigger headaches, sore throats, and eye irritation. Eco-friendly paints with lower VOCs have much less odor than traditional paints, helping you avoid those concerns.

Environmental Protection

Traditional paints contribute to air pollution and harm the environment through the release of VOCs and other toxins. VOCs contribute to global warming and climate change both directly and indirectly. In particular, VOCs change the concentration of ozone, a greenhouse gas. By opting for eco-friendly paints, you support sustainable practices that are better for the planet.

Long-Term Durability

Contrary to popular belief, eco-friendly paints can hold up just as well as their traditional counterparts. Many manufacturers have developed high-quality formulas that offer excellent coverage, color retention, and resistance to wear and tear. 

Image of family sitting together in a home with colorful walls.

Do Eco-Friendly Paints Work?

The early days of green paint options had some problems with quality and availability. But today’s eco-friendly paints have come a long way and no longer have those issues. Still, misconceptions and misinformation persist. Let’s address a few myths surrounding alternative paints.

  • Limited Color Options: Eco-friendly paints come in a wide range of colors and finishes, so you won’t have to compromise on style or aesthetics.
  • Higher Cost: While eco-friendly paints sometimes have a slightly higher upfront cost, the price gap is narrowing as demand for sustainable products continues to grow.
  • Inferior Performance: Modern eco-friendly paint formulas deliver exceptional performance and durability, comparable to traditional paints.

Making the Switch

If you’re ready to embrace the green paint revolution and make the switch to eco-friendly paints, start by doing some research on your options.

Look for paints that are certified as low VOC or zero VOC by reputable organizations like Green Seal or Greenguard. These certifications ensure that the product meets strict environmental and health standards.

Image of eco-friendly paints in cans in multiple colors.

In general, the stated VOC content of different paints falls into the following categories:

  • High VOC = 50-250 grams per liter
  • Low VOC = fewer than 50 grams per liter
  • No or Zero VOC = fewer than 5 grams per liter

Most big brands now offer eco-friendly paint options that will give you the results you want without all the harmful chemicals.

No matter which path you choose to take for your home painting project, Bella Vista is here to help. Our expert crews can guide you through your various options as you select a paint to freshen up and beautify your house. Connect with us today to receive your free estimate and to claim a spot on our schedule.

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